Thomas Firth Jackson 50 years in the Mark
On the 20th May 2022, the Mark Province of West Lancashire was honoured with a visit by The Pro Grand Master Most Worshipful Brother Raymond John Smith who was attending The Lawrence Lodge of Mark Master Masons. The Lawrence Mark Lodge were meeting to celebrate 50 years of Mark Masonry in Lawrence Mark Lodge, of Right Worshipful Brother Thomas Firth Jackson Past Grand Junior Warden.
Right Worshipful Brother Thomas Firth Jackson together with leaders of the Mark degree
The Lodge was opened at 6.00 p.m. by The Lodge Worshipful Master and after the usual preliminaries, and on a report, The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Keith Alan Beardmore was escorted into the lodge room. He was welcomed into the Lodge by The Worshipful Master and offered the gavel which on this occasion he graciously accepted. After the salutations and on another report The Pro Grand Master Most Worshipful Brother Raymond John Smith was escorted into the Lodge with The Grand Director of Ceremonies, Grand Sword Bearer and Grand Standard Bearer. He was welcomed by The Provincial Grand Master and escorted to his seat and was then afforded salutations to which he suitably responded.
Heads of Orders with Provincial and District Grand Masters
Prior to the main item on the agenda, due to the untimely passing to the Grand Lodge above, a Memoriam for Right Worshipful Brother Stephen Davison Assistant Grand Master was observed. The Brethren stood in respect of departed merit.
A packed Lodge room
The Lodge was called off to allow non-Mark Master Masons (for the moment) to enter the Lodge and join the celebration of the celebrant, who of course is well known in Chorley Masonic Hall. The Provincial Grand Master asked for Right Worshipful Brother Jackson P. G. J. W to be presented  to him. The Provincial Grand Master invited Brother Jackson to occupy the Master's Chair and was escorted to the West from where he prefers to deliver the address, this being his idea as a better situation than the celebrant sitting in front of the Master's Pedestal with the Brethren looking at the back of the celebrant's head. Over halfway through the address Brother Jackson said “That’s enough” but before acceding to his request the Provincial Grand Master had to mention that Brother Jackson is The Most Worshipful Grand Master over the Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas. A certificate was read from Provincial Grand Lodge congratulating Brother Jackson on achieving 50 years in Mark masonry. Right Worshipful Brother Jackson vacated the Master's Chair and The Provincial Grand Master re-occupied it.
What a top table??
Two Chairs were placed in the middle of the Lodge, one facing North and one South, and the Pro Grand Master invited Brother Jackson to join him where they sat opposite each other and commenced an interesting and at times witty resumé of Brother Jackson's life; sort of ‘Head-to-Head.’ Before returning to his seat The Pro Grand Master said he happened to have a communication for Brother Jackson and invited him to read it aloud. Brother Jackson said he only needs to read ‘Promotion to Senior Grand Warden.’ The Brethren received that terrific news with acclamation.
Tom shares refreshment with his surgeon Dr Joe Sudhaka
When the non-Mark Master Masons retired from the temple the Lodge was called on and The Pro Grand Master retired in processional order. The Provincial Grand Master invited the Lodge Worshipful Master to re-occupy the Master's Chair and then himself retired from the Lodge, again in processional order. The Worshipful Master closed the Lodge with the singing of the National Anthem. 
After the excellent work in the Lodge the Brethren repaired to the bar / lounge for an aperitif before being called to dinner. At the festive board the Brethren partook of a rather splendid three course dinner. The usual toasts were well delivered and the responses well received. Brother Jackson was at his best with a witty response as he usually is. As they say all good things come to an end and as the brethren made their way homeward all conversations must have been what an excellent night of Mark Masonry, particularly for Right Worshipful Brother Thomas Firth Jackson Senior Grand Warden (Designate).        
Story and Photos courtesy of Ernie Gavan